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Giovanni Bellini

Venice 1430 - 1516
Price range
1,000,000 – 3,000,000 USD +
Giovanni Bellini was the greatest Venetian painter of the early Renaissance.

He transformed Venetian painting through his treatment of light, creating a new and serene luminosity made possible by the adoption of oil painting. Giovanni was born into a family of artists, and transformed Venetian painting through the development of light, creating a new and serene luminosity made possible by the adoption of oil painting, introduced into Italy by Antonello da Messina (ca. 1430–1479). Now paint could be built up in layers, called glazes, to produce more vivid effects of transparency and atmosphere. Bellini’s immediate successor was Giorgione (1477–1510) who adapted his mellow atmospheric effects to a more relaxed and humanistic high renaissance style.

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Selected Artworks

Top 3 auction prices

1,372,239 $
1,407,708 $
5,320,526 $


The sales are: Christie’s London – 13 Dec 1996 (826,500 GBP), Dorotheum Vienna – 9 Nov 2022 lot 14 (1,402,500 EUR; this is a work catalogued as by Bellini and assistant), and Christie’s London – 13 December 1996 lot 109 (826,500 GBP).
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Notable exhibitions

London, The National GalleryMantegna and Bellini, 1 October 2018 – 27 January 2019; travelled to Berlin, Gemäldegalerie, 1 March – 30 June 2019. Curated by Caroline Campbell, Dagmar Korbacher, Neville Rowley and Sarah Vowles.

Los Angeles, The J. Paul Getty Museum, Giovanni Bellini: Landscapes of Faith in Renaissance Venice, 10 October 2017 – 14 January 2018. Curated by Davide Gasparotto.

Milan, Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Giovanni Bellini. Dall’icona alla storia, 11 September 2012 – 4 March 2013. Curated by Andrea De Marchi, Andrea Di Lorenzo, Lavinia Galli and Annalisa Zanni.

Rome, Scuderie del Quirinale, Giovanni Bellini, 30 September 2008 – 11 January 2009. Curated by Mauro Lucco and Giovanni C. F. Villa.

Washington D.C., National Gallery of ArtBellini, Giorgione, Titian, and the Renaissance of Venetian Painting, 18 June – 17 September 2006; travelled to Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, 18 October 2006 – 7 January 2007. Curated by David Alan Brown and Sylvia Ferino-Pagden.


Books on Giovanni Bellini

Mauro Lucco, Peter Humfrey, Giovanni C.F. Villa, Giovanni Bellini, Catalogo Ragionato, Treviso, 2020.

Caroline Campbell, ed., Mantegna & Bellini, exh. cat., London, 2018.

Johannes Grave, trans. Cynthia Hall, Giovanni Bellini: The Art of Contemplation, Munich, 2018.

Davide Gasparotto, ed., Giovanni Bellini: Landscapes of Faith in Renaissance Venice, Los Angeles, 2017.

Mauro Lucco, Giovanni Bellini, exh. cat., Milan, 2008.

Anchise Tempestini, Giovanni Bellini, Milan, 1997.

Giorgio Vasari, The Lives of the Artist, 1550, trans. Julia Conway Bondanella and Peter Bondanella, New York, 2009.

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