Piacenza 1691 - 1765 Rome
Italy: Rome
250,000 – 3,000,000 USD +
Giovanni Paolo Panini (also spelt ‘Pannini’) was the foremost vedutista in eighteenth-century Rome.
Throughout his life, Panini displayed great artistic versality, producing successful architectural plans, frescoes and even fireworks. It was his easel paintings, however, that procured him the greatest fame. He produced vedute – landscapes and city views – of the Eternal City for the local nobility as well as wealthy Grand Tourists seeking souvenirs. Panini’s fame coincided with a broader interest in the marvels of classical Rome and which was paralleled by the vogue for Piranesi’s engravings of Roman sights. Sometimes described as ‘furnishing pictures’, paintings by Panini, were often conceived of as pairs and were integral to the decoration of the new neo-classical houses being built in eighteenth-century England.
Selected artworks
Notable exhibitions
Philadelphia, Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Splendor of 18th-Century Rome, 16 March – 28 May 2000; travelled to Houston, Museum of Fine Arts, 25 June – 17 September 2000. Curated by Edgar Peters Bowron and Joseph J. Rishel.
Paris, Musée du Louvre, Giovanni Paolo Panini, 15 October 1992 – 15 February 1993; travelled to Piacenza, Museo Civico, 15 March – 16 May 1993; Braunschweig, Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, 17 June – 15 August 1993. Curated by Michael Kiene.
Piacenza, Palazzo Gotico, Giovanni Paolo Panini, 15 March – 16 May 1993. Curated by Ferdinando Arisi.
Books on Giovanni Paolo Panini
Marc Bayard, Émile Beck-Saiello, Aude Gobet, eds., L’Académie de France à Rome : le Palais Mancici : un foyer artistique dans l’Europe des Lumières (1725-1792), Rennes, 2016.
Mario Bevilacqua and Marcello Fagiolo, eds., Piante di Roma dal Rinascimento ai Catasti, Rome, 2012.
Christina Strunck, ed., Galleries in a comparative European perspective, 1400-1800, Munich, 2010.
Raffaella Morselli and Rossella Vodret, eds., Ritratto di una collezione. Pannini e la galleria del Cardinale Silvio Valenti Gonzaga, exh. cat. Milan, 2010.
Joseph J. Rishel and Edgar Peters Bowron, Art in Rome in the Eighteenth Century, exh. cat. Philadelphia, 2000.
Michael Kiene, Panini, exh. cat. Paris, 1992.
Ferdinando Arisi, Gian Paolo Panini, Soncino, 1991.
Giuliano Briganti and Bernard Aikema, eds., La Pittura in Italia: Il Settecento, 2 vols. Milan, 1990.
Giancarlo Sestieri, La Pittura del Settecento, Turin, 1988.
William Beckford, Dreams, Waking Thoughts, and Incidents, London, 1783.